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Contact Us

Winthrop Music Association (WMA) is a 501(c)3 non profit organization formed in 2005 to ensure the continued success of the Annual Winthrop Rhythm & Blues Festival. WMA strives to promote arts and cultural activities in the Methow Valley and beyond. WMA is a supporter of Methow Valley School District Music Program, Methow Arts, Methow Valley Theater, Room One, Washington Blues Society Musician Relief Fund, Inland Empire Blues Society, Cascade Blues Association, The Cove food bank, Methow Valley AAU Basketball Booster, Tommy Zbyszewski Methow Valley Education Foundation scholarship and others.


If you are interested in performing at the 2025 Winthrop Rhythm & Blues Festival, submit your EPK no later than December 31, 2024 to talent@winthropbluesfestival.com.

We begin reviewing talent in the late fall. Keep in mind that we only have 12 slots for our festival, and competition is keen for those few slots.
If we are slow to respond to your submission we apologize. For the handful of slots reserved on the Festival lineup for regional acts and lesser known national acts (the rest being filled by the proven touring acts and headliners we actively seek) we are inundated with submissions. We are a volunteer-run organization and can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of submissions. Bands can submit EPKs however works best for them or they can submit a hard copy.

We have much respect for all of you as a musicians, performers, businesses. Putting together a festival lineup is much like curating a museum exhibition, and we look to regional acts to complement and round out the lineup shaped by our headliners.

Mail hard copies to:
Winthrop Music Association/Talent
c/o Erika Olsen
16338 74th Ave NE
Kenmore, WA 98028


2020 Best Festival
Washington Blues Society


2015 Keeping The Blues Alive Recipient
The Blues Foundation


2022 Grand Summit Award
Washington Festival & Events Association


Proud Member
Washington Festival & Events Association

All Content Copyright © Winthrop Music Association (WMA), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Web Development by PromoLab